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DBA TYPE: which one you fall in...

I noticed I had below on a edited but never published post one year ago:

... and I'm back again ...

and back again after more than two years

Cervical pain still running but I cannot resist temptation to write..

Which DBA you are :

Spartan DBA,
little bit (not much) Diplomatic DBA,
Scientific DBA,

or have all traits

Or say are you Nut Bolt DBA or are you Tool DBA.

Or say are you Development DBA or a Production DBA.

or are you Developer and DBA both.

It all depends what needs your organization and you.

I believe DBA shouuld have scientific approach and very much spartan to be brave.
Needs to know how to handle clients when client does not try to understand why DBA needs more time to work on issue or resources. A good DBA if is able to code is great combination. DBA should be familar with chgallenges of both DEV and Prod DB environments.